Monday, February 14, 2011

I Believe

I should have died.

I heard the sickening crunch of metal on metal. I saw the gray-blue hatchback spinning uncontrollably, too fast...right toward the driver's side of my Passat.

I was trapped. There was no time. I was paralyzed. I shut my eyes, held my breath, and braced myself as shards of glass rained on my windshield. The seconds ticked by. I asked God to watch over my family. To keep my sister safe. To forgive me my sins. I hoped that I wasn't too late. I thought about my life. My choices. My mistakes. I thought about him. Her. Them.

The sound of screeching tires interrupted my prayer but was soon drowned out by the dull throb of my heartbeat. Thuh-bum. Thuh-bum. Thuh-bum. It echoed in my head.

I squeezed my eyes tight and gripped the steering wheel. Every muscle in my body tensed, just waiting for the impact.

And then...

My eyes opened. Bits of glass covered my car. Chunks of metal settled across the intersection. I looked over my shoulder. The totaled Subaru sat ten feet away. Behind me.

I should have died. It was coming straight for me. Considering its direction and speed, there was no way the car should have not hit me. I was right in the line of fire. I saw it. I know.

I believe in miracles. I believe in prayer. I believe in angels. I believe in God.

I should have died. But I did not.


Snoopy said...

They say that when we die, we'll look back and be stunned at the number of times angels were around us and God guided our lives.

I believe it, too.

Michael C. Hanks said...

Wow! Did this just happen!? Glad you are alive!

Ashley said...

Yikes Bonnie! YOU BE CAREFUL! Oh, and I believe too ;)

collegechick17 said...

Wow! I am really grateful you are alive and you were protected!
May I also add that was beautiful how you wrote it all out, wish I could do that.
You might have inspired me