Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Napping in the late afternoon sunlight. A gulp of crisp, cool morning air. The smell of Clorox wipes or hand sanitizer. My obnoxiously large pink sunglasses. Blondies from Hagermann's. Noticing the last of the winter snow has finally melted off the peaks. The salted breath of the beach (oh, the beach). Lavender. Cardigans. Flats. Getting mail (yes, even junk mail). Dusting. Steam saunas. Fountain drinks (Diet Coke or Pepsi only, please, with an inch of ice). Sitting next to my brother and feeling him affectionately squeeze my hand. Snuggling with my sister while deep in conversation. Learning something new. Anything, anything new. Knowledge. Cooking and baking. Work. Success. Scrunching my curls until they're perfect princess loops. Drifting in and out of consciousness curled up next to someone I care about. Toms. Getting the chills. Burt's Bees lip balm (which I am using...as we speak). Laughter - mine, yours, his, hers. Sleeping babies. The smell of babies. Happy, giggling babies. Sad babies, their heartbreaking cries dissolving as soon as they're cuddled. Strength. Weakness. Payday. Love, as much as I deny its existence. Excitement and anticipation. The race for perfection, although I can't yet see the finish line.

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