Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Irrational Fears

Sinkholes. Alien invasions. Ghosts. The boogyman. Pain. Floods. Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Snakes. Koala bears. Alligators. Spiders. Things falling from the sky. Going deaf or blind. Being kidnapped. Blood. Getting fired. Someone stealing my phone. Turning down dates. Freezing to death. Losing an arm…or leg or finger or toe. Forgetting. Chimpanzees. Knocking a tooth out. Heights. The ocean. Frizz. The crazy-psycho ex coming back. Gaining weight. Homeless people. Exploding pens. Piranhas. Fireworks. Getting hit by a car. Cancer. Fire. Drowning. Being buried alive. Caterpillars. Evil people. Guns. Movie stars. Flying in an airplane and hearing the captain mention that the engine has failed. Growing up. Rabid animals. Falling. Being late to work. Failing. Teachers. Clowns. Getting stuck in an elevator. Construction workers. Dogs. My debit card being declined. Being paralyzed after an awful accident. Baby monitors (blame Signs). E.T. College. Being a parent. Cheerleaders. Druggies. Losing my toothbrush. Infectious diseases. Global warming. Getting lost in the woods. Cliff diving. Scuba diving. Anything having to do with diving. Swimming with my face underwater. Stupid people.

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