Last week, a friend from work gave me some M&Ms. I had all but forgotten the little candy-covered drops of heaven existed until then.
It started a frenzy. I was craving M&Ms like a mad woman (speaking of, I did happen to see one of those this morning). I needed M&Ms, and I needed them bad.
I figured I'd be fine. I wanted to be fine. I would continue my life pretending I'd never heard of or tasted the little delights.
Obviously, it didn't work. I made an emergency trip to the Neighborhood Market on the corner.
I'm now sitting at my desk gleefully hugging my huge, beautiful bag of M&Ms. Kind of like Golem from LOTR.
Yeah, they're that good.
I also have to eat them one by one, color by color. I'm OCD in the fact that there must be one of each color in my hand before I'll eat them all at once.
HOLY CRAP, you used LOTR and OCD in the same blog posting. I'm awestruck.
Come and visit me?
Mmmm... what kind? Peanut or the regular M&M's? Thanks a lot... now you have me craving them too!
Brandon: we do need to play someone. Call me and we'll make plans.
Ashley: they were just the regular kind. But so so good!
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