Tuesday, September 7, 2010

All Kids Grow Up

When I was a baby I went through the transition from Mommy's milk to solid foods.
And I starting walking instead of crawling.
When I was a toddler I graduated from diapers to pull-ups to "big girl panties."
Then I learned to read.
When I was six I started Kindergarten.
When I was eight I was baptized.
At twelve I started Young Women's.
And I started babysitting.
When I was fourteen I went to my first "SND."
(Saturday Night Dances. They used to be quite the rage.)
When I was sixteen I spent a semester in Mexico.
(Do I need to mention that I came home early?)
When I was seventeen I (finally) got a driver's license and my first car.
And my first boyfriend.
And my first job.
When I was eighteen I quit high school.
When I was nineteen I had my heart broken.
Now I'm twenty.
I'm starting school.
And moving into an apartment.
With roommates.
And I'm absolutely terrified.
I have no idea what to expect.
And I've never had to buy my own toilet paper before.
Who will make dinner? Who will "help" me with my homework? Who will stay up with me till all hours of the night watching Pride & Prejudice and eating Cheerios? Who will take my laundry out of the washer and set it aside instead of shrinking it in the dryer? Who will be there to laugh at me when I'm scared (of the werewolves, duh) only to start freaking out a little later? Who will take me on late-night emergency trips to Wal Mart (or Smith's, depending on how urgent the emergency)?
I miss my mom.


Ink Poison said...

Dear Bonnie,
It was I (and not Martin) who poked you on Facebook, in order to be "friends" with you for the sole purpose of having access to your blog. Your mom recommended it as good reading, and I must say I've enjoyed it thoroughly. Keep up the great posts, and pop in for a visit any time.
Ingrid Baron

Bee said...

hello! I will definitely come say hello sometime. I miss you guys! How are the kids?